Friday, August 21, 2009

Of The Influenza and The Stupid Mentality

Recently, our Health Minister said that he plans to take full action on schools when the mortality rate of the H1N1 influenza hits 0.4 percent, saying that it;s now at 0.1 percent.

Sounds too safe to be true? I have doubts about it, and, let me rebut the facts. As of today, an estimated 5500 people have been confirmed with the virus. So, if you said that only 0.1 people have died from the influenza, that would equate to a total of 5-6 people. But, unfortunately, as of 21st of August, the death toll in Malaysia stands at approximately 70 people.

Therefore, if you'd do the math of 70 over 5500, it'll stand at approximately 1.35 percent. So what the hell are you talking about, Sir? We need real, hard facts, not just watered-down statements.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

The Final Version-5 Keruing 2009

We've piled the cold hard-earned cash, we've toiled our precious hours in front of the Photoshops in pursuit of perfection, we've censored and approved captions, which we wished that we never had to, and, now, the time has come.

Presenting to you blog viewers-the complete, eccentric, yet unique 5 Keruing-Class Of 2009-The Final Edition

If It's All Random, Do Forgive Me. Part 1.0

I've been dreaming of you since a long time,
From the day i first met you, when i was in Standard 5.
You were my one Aussie dream,
And i've always wished i could open you up, and get inside you.
But, there's a problem.
You see, you were an expensive chick to maintain,
And i'd go broke if i'd were to have you.......

But, for some reasons, i've always craved for you,
Hoping to turn you on.......
And, when can i meet you again.... Hopefully soon...

For those of you who don't know a single bit about cars, this is a GM Daewoo Statesman.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

The table's been set. The syllables' been complete. And it's time.

Well, it's the trials, obviously. And it's one week after smarting from the judges descision that mena t we still lost to Seafield in choir compeditions. Ah, frusturating. But not now, i've got the cursed trials. And it starts with BM paper 1. Damnit. But, wish me luck though. For the next 30 days. Without a girlfriend, without some decent conversations, without at least somedecent sleep, sacrificing my everything. But, what can i do? I'm already Form 5, to say the least.